Thursday, November 8, 2012

Karl Rove is Losing it: Accuses Obama Campaign of Suppressing the Vote

Article Mirror

November 8, 2012

Karl Rove’s histrionic appearance on Fox News regarding the Ohio elections numbers highlights what a pickle he’s in, considering the hundreds of millions of dollars he spent, of other people’s money to get Romney in and Obama out. And then Rove blamed Hurricane Sandy. And now, Rove insists that President Obama won reelection by “suppressing the vote,” during an appearance on Fox News Thursday.


Think Progress transcribes the interview:

”I think the Republicans lost in this election because of two things. One is that the Obama campaign was very effective in keeping roughly 92 percent of the people who voted for President Obama before to vote for him again. But they didn't do a good job of growing the electorate…The Democrats, the the only group that they got more votes this time around than they got four years ago were among Latinos. About 700,000 more Latinos voted Democratic this year than the year before. But the president succeed by suppressing the vote, by saying to people, ‘you may not like who I am and I know you can’t bring yourself to vote for me, but I’m going to paint this other guy as simply a rich guy who only cares about himself.’

Rove should grasp the meaning of unity and inclusion. Democrats didn't ‘get’ the Latino vote. We simply don’t threaten to have them ‘self-deport’ and do not ostracize entire groups of people. This is like talking to children and it’s odd that Republicans never suspected that they were becoming insignificant to the populace, each time they ostracized yet another group and/or race of people.

We remember Sonia Sotomayor being questioned as if she was a racist for her ‘wise Latina’ remark.  The ironic part, was that it was U.S. Sen. Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III who made these claims — Sessions, a notable racist, who is/was a KKK sympathizer. Then, Rush Limbaugh ran with it. Limbaugh, an outspoken racist. Republicans remained in denial, telling us we were ‘playing the race card.’

If they get rid of the racist bullshit, they just might ‘get’ the Latino vote. One day.  Stop with the Voter ID crap. American voters are privy to what’s behind this tactic. We don’t all watch Fox News. After Republicans tried to literally take away the right to vote from Latinos and African Americans/Blacks, how well did they think they would do, vote wise? Obviously, they weren't thinking.